Blue Star Taxis Invercargill Limited

Serving Invercargill for over 70 years

Book a Taxi Now

Phone: 03 217 7777 anytime

TXT: 027 447 7637 anytime


or Book online using the SmartHail App -

available for Android

or Apple

More Details

Call us anytime - we are here for you 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

We are proud to be locally owned and to have been serving the public of Invercargill and surrounding districts for over 70 years.

Taxis at a stand

Remember when you book a Taxi - you can have up to 4 passengers for the same cost as 1 and you can have up to 10 passengers for the same cost as 5.

You don't pay per seat.

We have a large fleet of Taxis, with 7 vans/people movers, 4 of these are capable of carrying wheelchairs and 30+ cars including 10 hybrids and an electric vehicle.